Today, not all do it - your mother, your grandmother, and her younger sister. This is Cosmetic Surgery and is so widespread as in teeth visible.
But you may ask, what procedures are most popular for its beauty. Much depends on financial possibilities of a person - a woman could not choose Botox, because it seems superior, but because it is a cheaper solution for a full face lift.
However, there are some plastic and Cosmetic Surgery proceduresthat only the most popular in those days. We name a few.
Botox in the forehead of a man and around the eyes and helps the skin to get rid of wrinkles injected, "worry lines" and other signs of aging. Is (relatively inexpensive compared to some other options for cosmetic surgery), and does not require hospitalization. In fact, it can be generally carried out in an hour and the patient is free to return to a normal life, without a period of healing orAftercare.
There are few side effects, although some women, numbness and pain. The procedure is relatively affordable (around $ 300 to $ 400) for each procedure, but to maintain the positive effects of Botox injections must be repeated usually every three or four months.
This procedure is becoming increasingly popular. In short, the eyelid is reshaped to get rid of sagging and bagging. Is not to remove fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, but.
This is more involved in the procedure of Botox cosmetic and requires a day at the office of the surgeon, and about a week after recovery. Some women have problems with their eyes to disappear, and the eyes can tear easily or quickly to dry instead.
The cost to repeat this procedure (which is not at regular intervals) is about $ 2000 to $ 4000 depending on where you are, the degree to which the operation must be done and the surgeon's individual> Costs.
This procedure, in which the fat is removed under the skin through a special machine that sucks the essence "is made to look more and more popular among women trying to stay young.
Liposuction is aimed at the fattest part of the body - the buttocks, thighs, stomach and arms - and provides for a stubborn surgical procedure to remove fat from areas.
This operation usually requires a short recovery period in whichInfection is a concern, and also requires that women change their habits, so that the fat does not come back. Sometimes women have the procedure done again a few years after the first, although this is not necessary to maintain the benefits (like Botox). The price is about $ 4,000 and, depending on where you live, and expenses surgeon.
Such as age, your skin naturally decreases with a facelift and a method for enhancing the skin of the face and restoration is a younger looking appearance.
Sure, it is very important to find a good surgeon for this procedure, many women appear to be - very young - have had serious side effects of bad facelifts.
This procedure is more than all the other participants, and requires a long period of rest, usually about 2 weeks. Within the week before, it is recommended that women do not go towards the sun. A good part of trauma is possible, as well as common side effects such as infections and pain.Costs> Run $ 5000 and higher (often up to $ 15,000), depending on the type of face lift you and where you live.
I hope you have a better understanding of the options most popular cosmetic and plastic surgery in those days. Although it seems that many people are doing with these procedures in these days, how many people are not with them. But education is the key.
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