Long known as a beautiful and exciting travel destination, a surprising fact is that Costa Rica plastic surgery and other medical procedures are performed here, the draw for 14% of all visitors. About 90% of visitors come from North America because of their proximity and ease of traveling to Costa Rica
So naturally the question: Why Costa Rica Plastic Surgery and attracts so many people?
The most obvious answer would have cost. Costa RicaPlastic surgery costs more than 50-70% less than the United States, Canada or Western Europe. This is the case, since Costa Rica is still a Third World country in terms of GDP per capita, though much more developed than its neighbors. This means that wages are lower for doctors, nurses and other medical practice, and the cost of living here are much lower. The government is also supporting health care subsidies to keep the cost ofPrivate health care down.
Perhaps more important for Americans is the relative lack of malpractice suits. Because of the disputed property on the ground will cost for health care in the United States jumped to compensate for professional liability. Malpractice Suits are rare in Costa Rica, and who can normally only cover medical expenses.
The idea of not having to recourse in the event of guilt is something that makes many people think of anxietyCosmetic Surgery in Costa Rice. However, if you're on top of safety standards in private institutions of Costa Rica you would see that their success with the same record level, if not better than most hospitals in the United States.
If quality is your concern, take heart: There are many well-qualified and internationally certified surgeons and doctors in Costa Rica field of plastic surgery. The best hospitals and clinics can be foundmany surgeons who were trained in the United States, Canada and Europe. The top-flight CIMA Hospital is connected with the renowned Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. The Clinica Biblica Hospital is run by the JCI, the international arm of the United States' most widely read very strict health and Accreditation Accreditation Agency. With the quality of medical care here, and the success of the procedure, the risk is minimal and not more than the United States, all at a fraction of thePrice.
What kind of procedure, Costa Rica offers plastic surgery?
Pretty much everything you want to do in the United States, you have done in Costa Rica. Lifting lid surgery, liposuction, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, butt implants, and everything is possible. You can also surgery LAPBAND. Here's an example of prices you can have breast augmentation for about $ 2,800-3,500. Augmentation in the United Statescosts between $ 7,000-8,000 on average. The savings add up when you have different procedures, as frequently in many patients.
What's more, there are medical tourism agencies to contain the package of procedures for patients with transport to and from the airport and lodging. One of Costa Rica field of Cosmetic Surgery is the reproduction Recovery Retreat, a kind of luxury accommodation, which offers on-site care and supportrecovered from their procedures.
With flight between $ 300-600, Costa Rica, Plastic surgery is a great way to combine a holiday with works of beauty, affordable, high quality. A great idea is to go to Costa Rica for a week of free and fun, then you have your procedure and for one week at a private, luxury resort destination. If you ever considered plastic surgery, Costa Rica offers a unique alternative for you done in your homeCountry and offers the opportunity to participate in the growing phenomenon of medical tourism.
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